Energy Storage and Transport

Designed by Clemens Verhoosel and Elisa Bergkamp in The Brainport

Welcome to the challenge-based learning project Energy Storage and Transport! This project is part of the Mechanical Engineering program at Eindhoven University of Technology. Here you will find all information needed for the project.


    The energy transition: an engineering challenge

    Realizing a more sustainable future with affordable and clean energy is one of the biggest societal challenges we face today. The process of making our energy system sustainable is referred to as the energy transition. Technological innovations across a wide range of disciplines are required to realize this transition.

    The energy transition poses tremendous challenges for engineers, both from a technological perspective and from the vantage point of sustainability. As an engineer of the future, you will likely be developing technology that contributes to the energy transition. While you do this, you are expected to take into consideration the effects that this technology has on our lives.

    A major technological challenge in the energy transition is to accommodate our energy system to deal with the more fluctuating nature of green energy sources compared to conventional (fossil fuel based) energy sources. Where conventional energy production can be controlled reliably, renewable energy production depends on external factors over which we have limited control. In the current energy system, where a substantial part of the energy still comes from fossil fuels, the fluctuations in renewable energy production are leveled out by conventional energy production. With the share of renewable energy production increasing substantially in the years to come, the development of technology to deal with its fluctuations is necessary.

    In the western world, energy exchange markets (for example EPEX SPOT in the Netherlands) regulate the supply and demand of energy. To improve the competitiveness of green energy production, it is essential to make them less dependent on balancing by conventional energy sources. The ability to efficiently store green energy in situations when there is a surplus of production (for example, at night) and to deliver this stored energy when there is a surplus of demand (for example, during the day), is key to reducing the need for balancing. Currently, the storage capacity on the energy grid is limited, especially in countries without natural hydroelectric dams (such as the Netherlands). The development of innovative energy storage and transport technologies is essential to make green energy competitive, and, thereby, to enable the energy transition.

    For more information on energy storage and transport systems we suggest the following references:

    And, of course, a wealth of information on energy storage and transport systems is available on the internet. Tools such as Google and ChatGPT can be of great help, but always be critical about the quality of your information sources, and make sure to properly reference them (see guidelines).

    Challenge-based learning

    Energy Storage and Transport is a challenge-based learning (CBL) project, set in the context of the energy transition:

    Your team is working in the R&D department of an oil & gas company. The company's ambition is to transform into a sustainable energy company. In order to ignite this transition, various teams in the company, including yours, are asked to come up with innovative energy storage and transport initiatives. In 8 weeks time, you are asked to deliver an objective assessment of the developed idea. The company representatives are not interested in listening to sales pitches, but instead want a science-based analysis based on a validated model.

    Project goals

    The overarching goal of this project is defined as:

    To develop a mathematical-physical model for an energy storage and transport system, and to validate this model using experiments. Within the framework of challenge-based learning, the project groups independently define their own energy storage and transport solution.

    In the process of accomplishing this overarching objective, the following learning goals will be achieved:

    In this project you will learn to...

    1. ...define an energy transport and storage system with time-dependent behavior. The complexity of the system should be in line with the competence level expected from a first year engineering student, and should take into account the strengths and weaknesses of your project group.
    2. ...apply a predefined modeling cycle when developing and validating a model. In the early stages of the project, your group should be able to identify the key components and possible bottlenecks in the various modeling phases and to establish a time line for the modeling process.
    3. ...apply known mathematical-physical concepts to model the time-dependent behavior of the selected system. Your group should be able to identify key components of the system and describe at least one of these components by a differential equation.
    4. ...reflect on the validity of the model, and to develop a plan to experimentally validate a crucial, time-dependent, component of the system.
    5. and build an experimental set-up, in order to validate the identified critical, time-dependent, component of the system. In designing the experiment, your group should focus on reproducibility and accuracy.
    6. ...perform experiments and process and analyze experimental data following good statistical practice. Your group should be able to draw conclusions regarding the validity of the model, and to propose model and experiment improvements based on the processed data.
    7. ...draw conclusions and make recommendations regarding the applicability and economic viability of the considered energy transport and storage system in the real-world setting, making use of the validated model.

    To train you for performing the experimental validation, as part of this project, a measurement training is provided. In the measurement training, you will...

    1. ...use measurement equipment (sensors, filters, measurement cards, etc.) and corresponding software to interpret experimental data.

    Assessment procedure

    The table below summarizes all assessment components. Click on the assessment links to see details such as submission dates, templates, rubrics, etc.

    Who What Learning goals Percentage of final grade Minimal passing grade Resit opportunity
    Group Go/No-go pitch 1-3 & 5 0% ≥6.0 Mandatory resit if insufficient
    SOP (v1) & Demo 1 5,6 15% ≥6.0 No resit
    Poster submission 1-4 No resit
    SOP (v2) & Demo 2 5 20% No resit
    SOP (v3) & Demo 3 4,6 No resit
    Technical report 1-4 One resit opportunity if final group grade is insufficient
    Technical briefing 1, 3, 4, 6 & 7 10% No resit
    Infographic competition 1, 7 Optional (bonus)
    Individual Measurement theory assignment 8 10% Must pass measurement practical No resit
    Measurement practical 8 0% "complete" score One resit opportunity if "incomplete"
    Information skills assignment n/a 0% "pass" or "good" One resit opportunity in case of a "fail"
    Personal development tasks (I,II,III) 1-8 0% Must be completed In agreement with tutor
    Interim assessment 1-7 0% tutor
    0% peer
    - No resit
    Final assessment 1-7 22.5% tutor
    22.5% peer

    Please note the following:

    Learning activities

    The table below presents an overview of all mandatory and scheduled project activities. Make sure to check the dates and locations with your official TU/e timetable and report discrepancies to your tutor or coach.

    Activity Week(s) Slot Room
    Opening lecture 1
    Kick-off with tutor 1
    Tutor meeting
    Team meeting with coach 1
    Library training 2
    Social safety training 2
    Measurement practical 1-7
    Technical briefing (presentation) 9
    Closure lecture 9
    Individual assessment 9

    Mandatory trainings

    To complete this project, you must complete the following trainings:

    Information skills training

    In the compulsory Finding and processing of (scientific) information training, you will get acquainted with scientific databases and you will learn how to create an efficient search process by formulating effective search queries in which relevant and alternative search terms are combined by using operators. Once you have found results, you will learn how to evaluate whether those results are relevant to your research. You will also understand what it means to conduct research with 'scientific integrity'.

    This is a blended training for which you will have to attend an on-campus training and complete online modules and assignments. The assignments will be carried out by your project group. Instructions about the assignments will be provided during the on-campus training. The course will be graded as "good/pass/fail" and it is required to obtain at least a "pass" for this professional skill to complete 4CBLA30. In case of an unsatisfactory grade (a fail), the training needs to be re-taken.

    N.B.: Attendance of this training is mandatory. Bring a fully charged laptop and earphones to the live session!
    N.B.: For details about this training, see the Information Skills Canvas page.

    Social safety training

    In the Social Safety and Inclusive Collaboration training you will be introduced to the topic of social safety in education. This compulsory session will be organized in the form of a theatre play by the TIME OUT Foundation, called SAFE SPACE. The play is especially designed for students at their request. The play will cover the topic of transgressive behavior, sexual intimidation and power abuse. When do we call something transgressive? Who decides on that? And where do we encounter such behavior?

    N.B.: Attendance of this training is mandatory. Please bring your campus card for identification.

    Measurement training

    This training focuses on the application of hardware and software during experiments. Students can complete the mandatory practical part of this training during the scheduled hours in the PROTO/zone Hallway, where practical equipment is available. The theory assignment part of the training can be completed online. Detailed instructions and due dates are available on the Canvas page (practical, theory assignment).

    Mandatory project meetings

    Team meetings with coach

    The team meetings in PROTO/zone are the moment to work together on your project as a team and to consult your teacher coach for advise. The team meetings are also the moment to work on your setup and to conduct the measurements. During the team meeting, your teacher coach will visit your group to provide feedback on the deliverables.

    Tutor meetings

    The tutor meeting is the place to discuss the organization of your project. As part of this discussion, your team discusses the progress on open action points, the planning (and possible adjustments thereof), the definition of new action points, the distribution of tasks, etc. In this discussion there should also be attention for individual learning goals. A standard agenda for these meetings is provided below:

    Chair:a Team member appointed in the previous meeting
    Secretary: Appointed at start of the meeting
    Duration:b 60 minutes
    Location: See activities table

    1. Opening: Formal opening of the meeting
    2. Minutes previous meeting:c Were the minutes of the previous minutes complete and accurate?
    3. Announcements:d General announcements, e.g., about well-being, (unexpected) successes and/or challenges.
    4. Action list previous meeting (SSAs):e Check the action list from your previous meeting and verify whether all actions were completed. Are there any additional actions not on the list you worked on? The chair establishes the order in which you are going to treat all topics after consulting all members.
    5. Remaining points: If during the meeting points were brought up that were not part of the agenda, but are important to discuss further, you can do so here.
    6. Action list (SSAs): Create a new action list. To support you in this, we have created a study guide (week planner) for you.
    7. Check and evaluation: How did the meeting go? Do you want to give anyone feedback? Did you distribute all tasks (to be checked by the tutor)? Is it clear who is doing what, when it should be finished, and when people will be working on it?
    8. Closing: Formal closing of the meeting
    a The tutor chairs the first meeting.
    b The kick-off meeting with the tutor and the final assessment meeting last 45 minutes.
    c The first meeting there are no previous minutes to discuss.
    d The first meeting there is an introduction round.
    e In the first meeting the team will discuss what is expected in the project.

    Your tutor will systematically monitor and document the performance of the group and its members (the role of the tutor is detailed here). It is the joint responsibility of the tutor and the team to ensure that the tutor is well informed. In week 4, one of the tutor meetings will be dedicated to the midterm evaluation. The final assessment meeting is also completely dedicated to the evaluation.

    Rules and responsibilities

    Attendance rules

    In CBL all group members are equally responsible for the project outcome. Therefore, it is required that each student attends all meetings connected to the project, i.e.: all group meetings, all project supporting lectures, training courses, building sessions, student meetings, etc. Absence is only excused when it concerns an acceptable reason, to be determined by the CBL coordinator. Requests for excused absence have to be submitted in advance to the CBL coordinator, by e-mail (see contact details) with subject 4CBLA30 - Group number - Student ID. The student will be notified whether the request has been approved as soon as possible. Attention: Arriving late to a group meeting and online attendance is also considered a no-show.


    You can work in PROTO/zone (Traverse) during the hours scheduled for your group. Before entering PROTO/zone, please read the safety rules. If you don't follow the safety rules, the staff will (kindly) oblige you to leave. At the end of a session, you must tidy up your own workbench and bring back the tools you borrowed. When you leave without tidying up, you'll get a warning. After 2 warnings the staff will (kindly) oblige you to leave PROTO/zone.

    Every group gets a storage box and locker in PROTO/zone (Traverse) in which assembled components can be stored in between meetings. You will receive your locker key at the first meeting in PROTO/zone. At the end of the final PROTO/zone session (week 8) you must hand in your storage box and the key to the locker. For a lost key €10 will be charged.

    The available components cannot be modified irreversibly. If a component malfunctions, please report this to the teachers.

    Use of internet tools and referencing

    Internet tools can broadly be divided in Large Language Models (ChatGPT, Gemini, Copilot, etc.) and Information tools (search engines, online databases, etc.). Such tools may provide a wealth of information to enhance design and/or research activities, especially in exploration and comparative phases. Therefore, you are encouraged to use these internet tools to enhance your learning process. However, such tools should never be used to generate content (text, source code or images) and it should be unambiguously clear to what extent such tools aided in the conception of new ideas. Moreover, you should always be critical about the quality of your information sources and make sure to properly reference them.

    To address concerns regarding potential misuse of internet tools. It is essential that you adhere to the following guidelines1:

    1. Provide precise references for the parts of your work where internet tools are used.
    2. Provide an explanation for why you opted to use specific tools and evaluate their usefulness.
    3. Do not use Large Language Models to generate report text, source code or images.
    It is important to adhere to these guidelines to maintain academic integrity and to avoid potential plagiarism issues, just as any other unreferenced use of external source material.

    Examples for proper use of external source material are given below. When in doubt, always contact the responsible lecturer or project coach for consultation:

    1. Compulsory when using Large Language Models
    2. Compulsory when using internet sources
    3. Recommended when using information tools to explore internet databases

    1 These guidelines have been carefully formulated with all the necessary information. Should differences occur between these guidelines and the rules and regulations as given in the Program and Examination Regulations (PER) and/or the Examination Regulations (ER), the PER/ER are always leading.

    Project tracks

    The overarching project goal is to propose an Energy Storage and Transport (EST) system based on a validated model. The proposed EST system should be designed for your team's supply and demand:

    Description Data
    Supply No team selected -
    Demand No team selected -

    The project is organized in four parallel, interconnected, tracks:

    Tracks and stages

    Track 1: Defining your EST system

    The starting point for defining your EST system is to analyze your team's energy supply and demand, for which you can make use of the provided baseline Simulink model. In this analysis you will quantify energy surpluses and deficits, identifying the relevant time and volume scales, that is: How much energy do you need to store and for what periods? Typically, multiple time and volume scales can be identified. Developing an EST system that is able to completely cover all scales is unrealistic. For example, an EST system for a daily storage cycle will not be effective for seasonal storage. Therefore, an EST system is typically designed for one of the relevant scales and not for all. Although such an EST system will not cover all deficits, it may still be very effective if it covers a substantial part of the deficits.

    1 / 7
    First prize in the 2023 infographic competition.
    2 / 7
    Second prize in the 2023 infographic competition.
    3 / 7
    Third prize in the 2023 infographic competition.
    4 / 7
    Fourth prize in the 2023 infographic competition.
    5 / 7
    Fifth prize (ex aequo) in the 2023 infographic competition.
    6 / 7
    Fifth prize (ex aequo) in the 2023 infographic competition.
    7 / 7
    Fifth prize (ex aequo) in the 2023 infographic competition.

    Based on the requirements derived from the analysis of the supply and demand, your group will define an EST system in the real-world setting. All essential components of the EST system should be defined, with a clear notion of the size of the system and the time scales of the storage process. You should also think about how storage bypass (direct delivery without intermediate storage) and load balancing (nullifying the mismatch between the energy supply/demand and the energy injected by/extracted from the storage) work in your system. As part of the definition of your EST system you will identify the system parameters that are essential to its performance. These essential system parameters should relate directly to the physical properties (e.g., dimensions, material properties) of the EST system. Through the specification of the values of all system parameters, your group will define a reference EST system.

    With the system fully specified, your group will use the developed model to assess the performance of your EST system. Throughout the project the capabilities of the model will be increased, resulting in detailed simulation results for a reference setting. Your group should think about which quantities/graphs are needed - in addition to the standard results generated by the baseline model - to assess the performance of the EST system. You will then perform a model-based design-variation study, demonstrating how variations to the reference setting of the system will alter its performance. Based on this design-variation study you will draw conclusions regarding how the system can be altered to optimize its performance.

    Track 2: Developing your EST model

    The development of a model is a key aspect of your project. It is therefore important to clarify the terminology related to modeling. The interactive modeling chart below defines the most prominent modeling concepts and the relations between them.

    Your computer model will be developed in Simulink, based on the baseline implementation available on Github:

    Simulink model

    The provided baseline implementation models the flow of energy between the different components for an abstract EST system. In this abstract system, the components are modeled using simplified models (see documentation). These simplified models are parametrized by effective properties, meaning that the model parameters represent the overall behavior of the components (black box efficiencies) and do not represent their physical attributes (dimensions, materials, etc.). Since it is not clear how to find the effective properties for your team's EST system, the applicability of the baseline implementation for studying (the design of) your team's EST system is limited. To make the computer model applicable to your EST system, the simplified models must be replaced by appropriately selected mathematical models describing the physics of your EST system. In contrast to the baseline implementation, the model developed by your team will be parametrized by physical attributes of your EST system (dimensions, materials, etc.). This will empower the model with capabilities to predict the performance of your EST system and to study design variations.

    To develop the Simulink computer model for your EST system you will follow a systematic modeling approach: It is important to realize that the modeling process outlined above is in general iterative in nature. That is, based on the outcomes of a specific step it may be needed to reconsider earlier steps.

    To help you in getting a better understanding of the model development cycle, we have elaborated a transmission line model as an example. We encourage you to study this example to understand the steps to be taken. You are allowed to use the model in this example, but you will not be graded on it. That is, you must develop your own model for a different component and report on that in the deliverables .

    Track 3: Validating the EST model

    Testing a complex system - such as your real-world EST system - and validating a model for it is a challenging endeavor, especially when that system still needs to be developed. Simply building the complete system for testing is not possible until its detailed design is complete. That is, only in the phase just before taking such a system in production, performing full scale tests is possible. And even then the number of tests that can be done is limited because of the costs involved. So, if you cannot test the full system during the development process, how do you test your system and how do you validate your model? Instead of testing the system in full, you can perform a testing and validation procedure composed of a large number of smaller scale tests, which together form a testing or validation pyramid:

    Testing pyramid

    In the development process of a complex system you will build the testing and validation pyramid from the bottom up. The higher you get in the pyramid, the closer you get to testing the system in full. In fact, the full-scale test is at the top of the pyramid. At this level of testing, the width of the pyramid is very narrow, indicating that only a limited number of tests is performed. The level below the full-scale tests considers the subsystems and the level below that the components of the subsystems. As you descend, the pyramid broadens and the number of tests increases. As you approach the bottom of the pyramid, you will consider a large number of tests for parts, physical processes, materials, etc. These tests are in general not specific to the full-scale system, but do play an important role in forming the basis of the pyramid, and are therefore essential in the overall validation procedure.

    Clearly, building the complete testing and validation pyramid for your EST system is not possible in eight weeks. But that does not mean that you cannot contribute to the validation process. Your group will select one of the physical laws used in your model for experimental validation. The selected physical law should be as relevant as possible in view of the overall validation procedure. You should be able to explain its position in the validation pyramid and it should be clear what aspect(s) of the EST system (model) can be validated by the experiment. In the choice of your validation experiment, you should consider whether the required setup can be constructed using one of the experimental toolboxes (inventory and spec sheets are available here):

    1 / 4
    The pneumatic energy toolbox contains components to construct a pressurize air setup, such as pressure vessels, air pumps, pressure sensors, and flow sensors.
    2 / 4
    The mechanical energy toolbox contains components to construct a setup that, for example, stores energy by lifting weights. It contains a motor, gears, rotation speed sensors and accelerometers, amongst others.
    3 / 4
    The hydraulic energy toolbox contains components to construct a setup that, for example, transports water between basins. It contains water containers, pumps, pressure sensors, and flow sensors, amongst others.
    4 / 4
    The thermal energy toolbox contains components for a setup storing energy in the form of heat. Amongst others, it contains a vessel to store a heated liquid, insulation materials, and temperature sensors.

    Throughout the project you will develop the experimental setup for you validation experiment, along with a standard operating procedure (SOP) which describes the setup and all the steps in the experimental procedure. While developing the validation experiment, it is important to carefully consider which type of measurement results are needed to successfully validate the selected physical. Using the components in the toolbox of your choice, your team is free in designing its own experiment.

    An essential part of the design of your setup is the integration of sensors that automatically gather data using an Arduino. To get you acquainted with the use of sensors and Arduino-based data gathering, early in the project you will participate in a measurement practical with an accompanying theory assignment. For the sensors in your validation experiment you need to study how they should be wired electronically. You should also develop the Arduino code to gather the data and, if applicable, you should develop calibration procedures.

    Using the developed setup, you will perform the validation experiments. Your validation experiment should be documented in a measurement plan (part of the SOP), in which the experimental steps are described in detail. Based on the measurement plan, someone else should be able to reproduce the results. To attain statistically meaningful experimental results, your group should execute the experiment multiple times, strictly following the measurement plan. You should also create post-processing scripts which convert the raw data of all experiments into interpretable output, for example in the form of graphs. In these results, the uncertainties in the measurements should be visualized, for example using error bars. Once you have collected the output of the experiments, you can assess the validity of the considered physical law. The best way to do this is by plotting the experimental results and theoretical results in one graph. This makes it straightforward to observe and interpret the differences and similarities between the model result and the experimental data.

    Track 4: Managing the learning process

    To be successful in the project it is important that your team collaborates smoothly and that all team members get the space to function optimally. To make a good start with this, during the kick-off meeting on the opening day of the project, together with your tutor, you will set working agreements. By discussing strengths and weaknesses of the team and its members, you will also identify knowledge/skill gaps. Based on this you will define learning objectives for the team and for the members.

    To make sure that your team functions well, it is important that all members feel confident regarding the tools to be used in the project. It is therefore mandatory for each member to complete the measurement practical and accompanying theory assignment, as well as a Simulink training. Besides these mandatory personal development tasks it may also be useful to boost your MATLAB and Arduino skills. If you are not yet comfortable with software to make professional and technical graphics (for example, Inkscape, IPE drawing editor, Powerpoint), you can work on this in the project.

    Throughout the project your team will meet twice a week with your tutor. In these tutor meetings you will discuss the work performed by the members, including its documentation, giving each other constructive feedback. In these meetings you will also identify tasks/actions and divide these fairly over the team. It is important that the allocated tasks are in line with the expressed individual learning objectives of the team members, and that all members conduct work in all tracks. In week 4, together with your tutor, you will perform a (formative) mid-term evaluation. Based on the feedback in this mid-term evaluation you can improve toward the final evaluation in week 9.

    Project study guide

    This study guide outlines the steps to be taken in the project, helping your team to plan the activities. In the week tables below, the main tasks to be completed in the project are categorized per track:

    Task category Abbreviation Related track
    System definition S Track 1
    Model development M Track 2
    Experimental validation E Track 3
    Individual I Track 4

    For each task it is indicated what other tasks it depends on, and for which follow-up tasks it is required. Note that the scheduled sessions - for which attendance is mandatory - are not included in the weekly task tables.

    Your group is responsible for planning the activities leading to the project goals and deliverables. In the weekly tutor meetings you will define self-study assignments. The defined self-study assignments should cover all tasks to be completed. A self-study assignment should reflect two hours of work. Many of the tasks are bigger than a single self-study assignment. You should then specify the self-study assignment in detail and indicate to which task it contributes. A team member should contribute to multiple tasks if a specific tasks costs less than two hours.

    Your tutor will monitor the contributions of all members to the project tasks. To ensure that everyone is involved in all aspects of the project, the following rules apply:

    Week 1

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    I1 Formulate your individual learning goals. - Individual goals formulation, I3, I4
    S1 Perform a literature review on EST systems. Tabulate the explored systems in terms of essential storage characteristics, such as storage duration, storage capacity and system size. - S2
    I2 Get yourself acquainted with Simulink by working on the “On ramp” tutorial - Simulink tutorial, M1
    M1 Install the Simulink EST model and use it to analyze the supply and demand signals. Define requirements for the EST system, such as storage duration and storage capacity. I2 Go/no-go, S2, M4
    E1 Explore the experimental toolboxes during your PROTO/zone session. - E2
    S2 Develop the conceptual idea of a sustainable and innovative EST system, which is compatible with the requirements following from the supply and demand. S1, M1 Go/no-go, E2, S3
    E2 Develop a conceptual idea for the validation experiment. Describe what physical law is to be validated and explain its position in the overall validation process. Specify with which toolbox the experiment can be realized. E1, S2 Go/no-go, SOP (v1), E3, E8

    Week 2

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S3 Specify all relevant components of the EST system, that is: the injection, the extraction, the actual storage, and the transport to and from the storage. Make sure that all components are realistic in relation to the real-world setting of the EST system. S2 Poster, M2, S4, S5
    M2 Identify the physical phenomena that are (most) relevant for the chosen system and its sub-components. S3 Poster, M3
    M3 Explore physical laws for the relevant physical phenomena, and select model components with a relevant level of complexity to adequately describe the phenomena. Be aware of the assumptions and simplifications and their effect on the outcome. M2 Poster, S4, M4
    E3 Determine what needs to be measured by the experiment to validate the considered physical law. Explore and gather the components and sensors required for the experimental setup and study how they should connected to each other. E2 SOP (v1), E4, E5, E8

    Week 3

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S4 Determine the parameters of all components (dimensions, material properties, etc.) of your real-world EST system that are required for the model. S3, M3 Poster, S5, M5, S6
    M4 Study the energy flow structure of the Simulink computer model and elaborate the mathematical models describing the physical phenomena such that they fit in this structure. M1, M3 M5
    E4 Perform the mandatory safety self assessment for your envisioned experiments. E3 SOP (v1), E8
    E5 Make a clear schematic of the setup in which all components and sensors are identified. E3 SOP (v1), E6, E7, E8
    I3 Reflect on the individual learning goals that you formulated at the start on the project. I1 Individual goals reflection, I4
    I4 Prepare for the interim tutor and peer assessment. I1, I3 Interim assessment

    Week 4

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S5 Create a concept for an infographic that gives a comprehensive overview of the EST system. Make sure that the infographic gives a general overview of the system (components, flow of energy, etc.) and provides technical details (dimensions, powers, etc.). S3, S4 S7
    M5 Implement the elaborated mathematical model in Simulink and get this initial model to work for the parameters values of your real-world EST system. S4, M4 S6, M6
    E6 Make electronic diagrams in which the wiring of the sensors is explained. Investigate what Arduino code needs to be developed to acquire the data from the sensors. Measurement theory and practical, E5 SOP (v1), E7, E8
    E7 Assemble your preliminary setup on the click board. Make sure that everything fits and connects well and that the setup looks neat. Include a picture of the assembled setup in the SOP. E5, E6 SOP (v1), E8

    Week 5

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S6 Finalize and tabulate the values of all system parameters corresponding to the reference design of your EST system. These parameters serve as the input for the model results. S4, M5 Poster, S7, M7, S8
    S7 Work out the infographic concept so that a good basis for the professional infographic required by the end of the project is obtained. Make sure that the system parameters used by the model are identifiable in the infographic. S5, S6 Poster
    M6 Finalize your preliminary Simulink implementation (alpha version), making it ready for generating preliminary model results. M5 M7, M8
    M7 Generate preliminary results using the Simulink model to demonstrate that it is capable of assessing the performance of the real-world system. Explain how the model can be used to support optimization of the essential system parameters. S6, M6 Poster
    E8 Demonstrate the first assembly of the experimental setup on the click board during the PROTO/zone session, explaining: the schematic of the setup, the electronics diagrams, the used components, connections, sensors and Arduino usage. Also address relevant safety aspects. E2-7 Demo 1

    Week 6

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S8 Propose three design variations (compared to the reference EST system) and motivate why these alternative designs are interesting to study. Define and tabulate the values of all system parameters corresponding to the three design variations. Make sure that the proposed variations clearly differ. S6 Technical briefing, S9
    M8 Work toward the final Simulink implementation (beta version). Make sure that the physical phenomena are described correctly and that the model runs stably for relevant variations of the input parameters. M6 M9
    E9 Assemble the finalized version of your setup on the click board. Make sure that everything fits and connects well and that the setup looks neat. Renew the picture of the setup in the SOP. SOP (v1) SOP (v2)
    E10 Develop the Arduino code for the automatic experimental data gathering. SOP (v1) SOP (v2), E12
    E11 Prepare a measurement plan describing the steps required to execute your experiment and how to gather your experimental data. Start testing the experimental setup and calibrate the sensors. SOP (v1) SOP (v2), E14

    Week 7

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    M9 Fix the last bugs and finalize the Simulink model so it is able to simulate the performance of the design variations. M8 S9
    S9 Simulate the proposed design variations using the developed model. Assess the performance of the EST system variations, paying attention to the validity of the results. S8, M9 S10
    E12 Develop the codes for the post-processing of the gathered experimental data. E10 E15
    E13 Demonstrate the finalized experimental setup. All components should be assembled neatly on the click board. The electronics and the software are ready to gather the experimental data. Safety aspects are reflected upon. E9-11 Demo 2
    E14 Finalize the step-by-step measurement plan for the experimental procedure and start conducting experiments accordingly. Make sure to pay attention to reproducibility. E11 SOP (v3), E15

    Week 8

    Task Description Depends on Required for
    S10 Compare the design variations making use of the simulation results. Based on this comparison, draw conclusions and formulate suggestions for improvement regarding the suitability of the proposed EST system. S9 Technical briefing
    S11 Update the infographic based on the feedback received on the interim version. Make sure that the infographic is tailored to the interests of a panel of experts. Poster Report, Technical briefing
    M11 Describe the Simulink model in the report, with a clear elaboration of the mathematical-physical model and the MATLAB/Simulink implementation. Summarize the Simulink model in the technical briefing. M9 Report, Technical briefing
    M12 Based on the specification of all essential model parameters for the reference design, present detailed simulation results based on which the performance of the EST system is assessed. M9 Report
    E15 Finalize conducting the experiments and use the post-processing scripts to visualize the experimental results. Make sure to perform the measurement multiple times, and visualize the measurement uncertainty in the results. E12, E14 SOP (v3)
    E16 Assess the validity of the considered physical law by comparing the experimental results with those based on the theory. E15 SOP (v3), Report
    E17 Demonstrate your validation experiment following the step-by-step measurement plan. Explain the quality of the gathered data in terms of resolution, range, sampling frequency etc. Show the postprocessing of the experimental data, with attention for repeatability and accuracy. E14-16 Demo 3
    E18 Neatly disassemble your setup, clean the components, and put them back where you got them from. Hand in the key to your storage locker. E17 -
    M13 Reflect on the model development process by explaining the capabilities and limitations of your Simulink model, the relation between the validation process and the real-world EST Simulink model, and by discussion the lessons learned throughout the project. All Report, Technical briefing
    I5 Prepare for the final tutor and peer assessment. Interim assessment Final assessment